Saturday, October 11, 2008


It’s too rushed! This project has been a pain in the ass since it started; every step of the report was done in such a limited amount of time! Probably it’s the way I do things, but I just feel very time-constrained in every step of the project. This module has got to have the most workload as compared to any of the modules I’ve taken so far in NUS.

However, having complained, I have discovered much about the importance of planning workflow through this project. When our group was working on combining each of our parts, I realized that it was tough. The reason being that we did our own parts by ourselves without discussing much with each other. Hence we had a hard time in making sure that our whole essay had the same tone and style. I learned that we could meet up more frequently for short meetings (2-3hrs) to complete a single task instead of having long meetings (>8hrs) to accomplish many tasks simultaneously.

Long meetings tend to exhaust an individual exponentially against time. Thought processes will also be snuffed out by the long hours of excruciating work. Any wonderful ideas will be impeded by the exhaustion leading to a creation of a dull project. Short meetings would be the opposite and gives the individual adequate time to think through a single task. Since exhaustion would not have taken place, it provides additional time frame for the member to think through the task at its own pace.

There are many details that I have picked up in terms of communication in a group. I suppose it’s because of the way this module is structured; we tend to focus more on professionally bringing across our ideas. Through this path, I unknowingly changed the way I bring across ideas and my thought process to my group members. It’s rather difficult to really pinpoint these changes; I jus know it is changed for the better.

All in all, planning an integrated workflow, setting short meetings and some improvement in my communication was what I learned through this report writing. Although I would need more practices of such nature to sharpen my tools, I hope these skills that I have learned will be applicable when I am working in the future.


Brad Blackstone said...

Wow! What an honest reflection! I appreciate that, Thomas. It's important for me to know about what your experience has been. (Is this really such a taxing module?)

Thanks for all your efforts! Now I look forward to reading a fine report!

XiaoTong said...

Hi Thomas,

Thank you for your honesty and speaking our minds (at least for me).

It is indeed true that the whole project is too rushed, with so many other things we have to do for the module (eg. blogging). Besides, with tests and deadlines to meet for other modules, time is never too much to accomplish all the things. However, come to think of it, this is what will be like when we enter the workforce.We have to learn to manage our time and prioritize task well. Because your boss may not be kind enough to give time extensions or allow work to be delinquent.

I guess we will really have to learn how to juggle work and leisure, and at the same time grumble while completing the given task.

M. said...

Rush rush rush!!
I also feel that way too.
I think the longest meeting we had so far was only for 5 hours? I guess it was not that bad.At least it was 3 hours less than 8.(:

tom said...

To Brad,

Its actually mainly because of me. I like to take more time to do assignments and slowly fine-tune it. I am rather fussy when it comes to projects. Also because of the student's dilemma, I will fall into the trap of doing too much.

Maybe if the project's deadline was set after the mid-term test, it would be better. The course is taxing but still manageable.

tom said...

Hey Xiaotong,

Actually, you are right. On hindsight, i did reflect back and thought about if we were to enter the workforce and meet with all these deadlines as well. We have no choice but to in a sort of "just deal with it" attitude.

Thanks for knocking some reality back into me! Having you guys as friends really did help me alleviate some pressure I have in school. thanks again!

tom said...

Hey mich,

yeah our meeting that time for 5 hours almost killed me already... haha. But it was good working with you. Mostly because I am rather focused on the big picture and most of the time missing out on the small details. You on the other hand are good with details and spot minor details that can make a big difference on the project. Kudos to you for all the hardwork you put into this project!

Carolyn said...

With regards to 5 hour informal meeting, I always regard it as sometime we spend to do the project together so that we could ask whenever there's a doubt. Different people like different style of doing projects. I have attended short meetings where we spend one hour to two hours in delegating and reporting. I have also attended long discussion whereby we do the project together so that everyone could ask whatever that's impeding their progress. I guess it really depends on personal likings.